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Index and Glossary
of Exit

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The Index also acts as a Glossary and set of links for information that cannot be included in the main pages. Search for information by using the appropriate letter, or use the "Find" button, typing in a keyword. Suggestions for inclusion or amendment are welcome. Please email me if you come across any glitches or links that don't work properly.

A warning on definitions: Definitions reflect what we understand by a word or phrase - it should not be the other way round! Definitions are tools to further understanding, at best. 


Achievements (Exit/Exit)
Active euthanasia.
Advance directive
Document enabling you to express your wishes with respect to conditions where no treatment is desired in the event of becoming incapacitated. In many places, "advance directive" is used synonymously with "living will". In parts of America, "advance directive" is used to include 2 types of document: a "living will" instruction to the health care team, and a "Durable Power Of Attorney for Health Care" (proxy directive) document instructing a third party to refuse treatment on behalf of the donor. The British Medical Association also uses the term "Advance Statement".
For fuller information see the Living Will & Values History Project page, or the links on this page under living will.
Aging - Portals Directory
AIDS and Assisted Suicide by Russell Ogden
Book review
AIDS and Euthanasia
Aims (of Exit)
Alert card
Announcements relating to Exit or Scotland
The Appleton Consensus on Withholding or Withdrawing Life-Sustaining Treatment
Arguments for & Against Euthanasia (Southern Illinois Univeristy)
The Arts - euthanasia in Cinema & Literature
Assisted suicide
Assisting another person to end his or her life at that person's express wish. The legal definition of what constitutes "assisting" varies from country to country. See also: euthanasia.
Attention stickers
Adhesive labels for a person's medical records to indicate the inclusion of an advance declaration or living will. Included in the Exit living will pack.
Voluntary Euthanasia Society of Victoria Inc.
Northern Territory Rights of the Terminally Ill Bill
Nurses' attitudes and practices (H Kuhse and P Singer)
Public Policy Assessment Society Inc. Position Paper
Auto-deliverance, auto-euthanasia. Ending one's life without any direct assistance; rational suicide. [UP TO TOP]


Bastable, Austin
Canadian suffering from chronic multiple sclerosis who launched a massive Internet appeal to legalise Assisted Suicide.
Pro-life organisation's "Save Austin Bastable" campaign
Prime time news interview
Beloff, John

Beliefs (Exit)
Bereavement Services (UK)
Best Interests
Beyond Final Exit
Bland, Anthony
Bibliography (Exit)
Books available from Exit
Bouvia, Elizabeth
Mrs Boyes - patient of Dr Cox
Brady, James/Paul
Brain death
First International Symposium on Brain Death, 1992
British Medical Association
Declares support for living wills
Declares support for living wills legislation
British Medical Journal
BMJ letters on euthanasia
British Social Attitudes (statistics and article)

Button bar - explanation of symbols on Exit Web pages [UP TO TOP]


Angus Reid opinion poll
Carrying wallet
Supplied in the Exit Living Will Pack for carrying the document on one's person.
laws and court cases
case histories
Centre for Bioethics & Public Policy ("pro-life"): Euthanasia - The Future Agenda
Children & Grief (tri-lingual)
See also: Talking With Children About Death
Caskets (can be ordered by Internet)
Choice in Dying homepage
Church of Euthanasia
- a rather extreme group, not part of the World Federation of Right to Die Societies or sharing many of their principles. They advocate euthansia, reducing population by voluntarily by committing suicide and sodomy. Claim to be inspired by an alien intelligence. Their motto is "Save the Planet - Kill Yourself".
Collected Living Wills
This is now out of print. I produced it as there was no extant volume showing examples of living wills from various countries - a considerable handicap to researchers (including myself). Writing to various organisations takes an awfully long time. A main reason it hasn't been reprinted is because the documents readily become out-of-date as examples of what is produced by various organisations. Another reason is that the obsession with pieces of paper hasn't (in my opinion) greatly furthered patient autonomy. A living will is only as good as the communication process of which it should be a part. This doesn't mean a lot can't be done to improve existing documents, just that we need to be asking more basic questions. (If you want to hear me go on at length about this, with the various pieces of supporting evidence, you can seek out Dartmouth's Contemporary Issues in Law, Medicine and Ethics and my contributing chapter on living wills.)
Compassion In Dying
American-based right to die society that has made several court challenges on the constitutionality of laws against assisted suicide with varying degrees of success. The most recent, by the 9th CIrcuit Court of Appeal, upheld the decision that Washington's law against doctors assisting in a suicide, by prescribing lethal drugs, was unconstitutional. Majority ruling. Dissenting opinions.
Court rulings
Compassionate Chaplaincy
Confessions of a Surgeon
Conroy, Claire
Constitution (Exit)
Contents of Exit Web Pages
Continuing Powers of Attorney
Contributors' Circular
Cremation Society - includes US state-by-state guide, Canada, and cremation faq.
Cruzan, Nancy
Court case: Opinion (Rehnquist)
Court case: Concur (O'Connor)
Court case: Concur (Scalia)
Court case: Dissent (Brennan, Marshall, Blackmun)
Court case: Dissent (Stevens) [UP TO TOP]


Dawson, Lord
What happens after death? - biological process.
Death, Dying and the Law - Symposium
detailed report
published version
Death On Request
Award-winning documentary featuring the administration of euthanasia.
The largest website anywhere on death and dying related information. Founded by two former journalists, John Hofsess of The Right to Die Society of Canada) with the help of Derek Humphry of ERGO. There are several links from these pages to DeathNET, but if you want to go to the front end you can browse your own way through.
WWW Discussion group moderated by John Hofsess of the Right to Die Society of Canada.
The computer software by Dr Nitschke which he developed for euthanasia under the RIghts of the Terminally Ill Act of Northern Territory, Australia.
One of the few countries that has legislation on living wills. Although a national registry was established there is, however, evidence to suggest that it is barely used by doctors.
Departing Drugs.
Title of the research project, and subsequently published booklet, of the International Drugs Consensus Working Party that examined self- deliverance drugs. (The booklet was published in the UK in 1993 under the title Supplement to How to Die With Dignity). The story of the research in this area can be found in Chapter One of Beyond Final Exit
DisabilityNet - Euthanasia
Discussion group on the Web (ethics of euthanasia)
Moderated by Maurice Bernstein of the University of Southern California (not very busy last time I looked)
Docker, Chris
Yours truly. As Director, I run Exit (my "full-time" job - about 60 hrs a week) , I teach occasionally at undergraduate and postgraduate level, run The Living Will and Values History Project, and produce Exit Newsletter and DIDMSNJ. If you want to read more of my bad habits, you can pick up an old article A week in the life of the Executive Secretary. Apart from this site, published works include Departing Drugs (principle author)Beyond Final Exit (co-author), Collected Living Wills (editor), Advance Directives/Living Wills, in: Contemporary Issues, and The Way Forward? in: Death, Dying & the Law.
My resume   Interview
Donnison, David

Double effect
When drugs are administered to relieve pain but have the secondary effect of shortening life.
Durable Power of Attorney
A formal way of empowering another person to represent you legally even if you later become incapacitated. Durable Power of Attorney cannot be used in enforcing a living will in the UK. See also Continuing Powers of Attorney
Dying In Dignity Mensa Special Interest Group
Supports both pro-choice (v.e.) and pro-life viewpoints.
Dying With Dignity (Canada) [UP TO TOP]

E listserv
A listserv (automatic mailing) provided by the American organisation ERGO (stands for Euthanasia Research and Guidance Organisation - run by Derek Humphry).
Egyptian Book of the Dead
End of Life Resources
Ethics on the WWW
For further links to some of the most interesting ethics sites, see the Ethics section of our Useful Other Links page.
Ethics Update - a page of links on euthanasia and ethics.
We note with profound misgivings that word "ethics" is frequently misused on the Web. For a better understanding, we suggest you consult one of the primers in our bibliography. Beginners should note that there are at least three distinct and separate meanings of "Ethics" - please try to avoid using the word to give some sort of moral weight to your beliefs.
The generally understood meaning is rather more than the dictionary definition of dying well - a good and easy death. We generally mean when a doctor induces the death, for instance with a lethal injection, of a patient who is suffering unrelievably and has persistently requested the doctor to do so. We don't generally include irrational or emotional suicides or the forced killing of another person, although the term was hijacked by Nazi Germany to mean a form of forced killing, which is a very different idea. In the Netherlands, the definitions in use for euthanasia and assisted suicide are defined by the State Commission on Euthanasia: Euthanasia is the intentional termination of life by somebody other than the person concerned at his or her request. Assisted suicide means intentionally helping a patient to terminate his or her life at his or her request. See also: Netherlands.
Overview by the Ontario Centre for Religious Tolerance
A philospohical debate - pros and cons of euthanasia (R Lane / R Dunstan)
Adjective) that which can facilitate euthanasia; (noun) a drug suitable for euthanasia.
Originally Scottish Exit (since changed its name to Scottish Voluntary Euthanasia Society) is famous for publishing the first book on self-deliverance in the world.
Exit Newsletter


FastAccess Page - explanation of categories
Flew, Prof Antony
The Right to Death
Five Last Acts
The comprehensive self-deliverance book from Exit. Details use of helium, drugs, compression, plastic bags, and voluntary refusal of food and liquids. Probably more comprehensive than any other source currently available worldwide.
French language documents
The Official Brochure of the World Federation of Right to Die Societies has a section in French which may be viewed here
Document de Reflexion sur les Testements de Vie en Nouvelle-Ecosse
Funeral myths - a quiz [UP TO TOP]

Funerals UK - A Quiet Place


Geneva Oath
George V, King

Germany. Euthanasia is a very controversial topic in Germany and difficult to speak about. Prominent academics have sometimes been refused a platform when it was known they would speak about euthanasia. The German society has also been through its fair share of problems. Charges were brought against the long-time President Hans H. Atrott. The German style of "living will" draws heavily on the existing laws to try to get its message across.
Guide to Self-Deliverance.
Early manual detailing methods of self-deliverance published by Exit in 1980/81, but withdrawn after repeated litigation.


Haggart, Rt Revd Bishop Alastair
Hainsworth, David. Scottish attempted mercy killing case.
Health Care Proxy
Person appointed to look after your affairs in the event that you are unable to do so. In the UK, health care proxies can administer finances etc, but are not allowed to enforce living wills.
Hippocrates - Oath of
Various versions and other Oaths (Geneva etc)
Hofsess, John.
Canadian who produces the award-winning DeathNET website.
Homepages of Right to Die Societies
Originally an experimental group of hospitals, religious-orientated, set up to research methods of pain control and transmit their findings to ordinary hospitals. Now largely involved in giving a high standard of palliative care to a small proportion of dying people.
House of Lords Select Committee
How to Die With Dignity.
Early manual published by Exit and detailing methods of self-deliverance. The first book of its kind anywhere in the world.
Humphry, Derek
Reporter who entered the right-to-die movement and contributed to its early development in the United States. Currently associated with "ERGO" and manages the listserv. [UP TO TOP]


International Association for the Study of Pain
International Drugs Consensus Working Party
International, multidisplinary group, that peer-reviewed and finalised Departing Drugs.
Irish Supreme Court
Involuntary euthanasia
Euthanasia without asking that person's consent. Used to mean mercy killing or else (wrongly) murder (as in the type of "euthanasia" practised by the Nazis.)
Islamic view on euthanasia
Israel - A Bill that will Allow People to Die With Dignity See also: Jewish...


Jenkins, Lord
Johnstone, Janet
Journal (Exit Newsletter)


Kevorkian, Jack
Lost his medical licence for openly practicing assisted suicide with his invention the Mercitron which allowed a patient to activate a intravenous drip containing lethal drugs. Continued to defy the law, using carbon monoxide instead of drugs, which were unavailable to him once his licence was revoked. Has been brought before the courts many times in Michigan (where he is regarded as a local hero) but no court has yet returned a conviction, even though Michigan passed an emergency law specifically aimed at preventing him from assisting in further suicides. He has recently (1995) formed a coalition group with other doctors to press for legal reform.
The Suicide Machine
Patients helped to die by Jack Kevorkian
Assisted Suicide in Michigan - review of legal position by Right to Life of Michigan
Chronolgy of events in Michigan (by Right to Life of Michigan)
American Medical Association response
His account of assistance in suicide given to Hugh Gale
Detroit Free press - Special Section
A Modern Inquisition - Jack Kevorkian talks back
King George V
Kluge, Eike-Henner
Ethicist at Victoria, Canada who has written extensively on voluntary euthanasia. Past Director of Ethics & legal Affairs for the Canadian Medical Association. Non-utilitarian approach.
Proposals for law reform on death and dying (112K)
Kuhse, Helga
Ethicist at Monash, Australia who has written extensively on voluntary euthanasia and has been a past president of the World Federation of Right to Die Societies.
Book review [UP TO TOP]


Links to some important sites. For "right to die" case law, consult our Death & Dying links.
Law Commission (England)
on living wills
Legislation - draft UK Bill
Life Net Euthanasia Roundtable
Pro-life website
Lindsell, Annie  Motor neurone disease sufferer
Little, Sheila
Founder of Scottish Exit (later the Voluntary Euthanasia Society of Scotland)
Automated, free mailing lists. Contributions from subscribers is sent to the email addresses of all other subscribers. The two listservs principally of interest to readers of this website are and biomed-l.
Living will
Document enabling you to express your wishes with respect to conditions where no treatment is desired in the event of becoming incapacitated. See also: values history.
Sample of simple living will document. (This example encompasses the minimum requirements recommended by the British medical Association. For a more comprehensive document and short introduction, see Exit Living Will Packs
Shape Your Health Care Future - An excellent introduction.
Further reading - an online guide by Jack Freer MD.
Patient Self-Determination Act (US Legislation)
Partly annotated bibliography
Quotes and references from mainstream journals - our extensive online database of recommended articles.
Medicare and Advance Directives - Brochure
Health Care Decisionmaking and Declarations in New York - Historical Legal Basis
Legality in the UK - cursory overview
Pro-life statement (by Right to Life of Michigan)
Nova Scotia Discussion Paper
Make Your Mind Up While You Have One R.Downie paper to the BMA 1995
...And End of Life Decisions - C.Hite - review of empirical evidence
Present author's analysis in...
Living Will and Values History Project [UP TO TOP]


Malette, Georgette
McLean, Sheila
A leading research director into the feasibility of physician assisted suicide. International Bar Association Professor of Law and Ethics in Medicine at Glasgow University. Probably the leading authority on medical law and ethics in Europe, but widely respected internationally for her analytical approach to law and ethics.
Book review: A Patient's Right to Know"
Conference excerpt: Death, Dying and the Law
Current books (editor) 1   2
Research on physician assisted suicide Order form
Article: How Should We Decide?
Medical Decisions at the End of Life (Dutch terminology).
Measure 16 (Oregon law)
Report - Cavalier Daily
Some important and useful links.
Membership of Exit
Mensa Special Interest Group on Dying In Dignity
Mental Health Resources on the Net - Dr Grohol
Mercy killing.
Ending another person's suffering by ending his or her life. Different from voluntary euthanasia (where the dying person has been able to clearly state his or her wishes).
Michigan - See: Kevorkian
Millard, Dr
Moynihan, Lord [UP TO TOP]


Name of the Scottish v.e. Society
We were originally the Scottish branch of Exit. We broke away and became Scottish Exit,a separate Society, in 1980. We later changed the name to The Voluntary Euthanasia Society of Scotland which seemed a less harsh title. In 1995 we decided to adopt the name Scottish Voluntary Euthanasia Society to emphasise the Scottish origins of our work and avoid confusion with the London based Voluntary Euthanasia Society or being thought of as a branch. We retain the acronym Exit and the name Voluntary Euthanasia Society of Scotland constitutionally, but put the Scottish element at the front for all publicity purposes. The London-based society is a more strongly campaigning organisation than Exit. we have a much smaller budget and concentrate more on research and liaison. Although entirely separate and sometimes holding different views, the two organisations are able to cooperate on a great number of projects, including political campaigns. For an example of a joint web page, see: Labour cyberconference page
Natural Death Centre
The only country in the world where euthanasia is openly practiced. It is not allowed by statute, but the law accepts a standard defence from doctors that have adhered to official guidelines. These hinge on voluntariness of the request and unrelievable-ness of the suffering. In practice, citizens of other countries are not eligible for euthanasia in the Netherlands. UK residents: you can get a free factsheet on The Termination of Life by a Doctor in the Netherlands by writing to the Press & Cultural Section of the Royal Netherlands Embassy in London (Tel 0171-584-5040 ext.413).

It says: Euthanasia is popularly taken to mean any form of termination of life by a doctor. The definition under Dutch law, however, is narrower. It means the termination of life by a doctor at the express wish of a patient. The request to the doctor must be voluntary, explicit and carefully considered and it must have been made repeatedly. Moreover, the patient's suffering must be unbearable and without any prospect of improvement. Pain relief administered by a doctor may shorten a patient's life. As is the case in other countries, this is seen as a normal medical decision in terminal care and not as euthanasia.
Netherlands/UK comparison
Medical decisions concerning the end of life in The Netherlands by Wal G van der
International World News Flashes relating to v.e. are often found on DeathNET. The listserv is also a good way of keeping up to date.
Scottish News is posted on the Exit Magazine pages.
North American news is provided by ERGO and Last Rights on DeathNET.
For other news sources, see our News Links.
Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals (US) Historic ruling on assisted suicide
Euthanasia when the incapacitated person is not in a position to make his or her wishes known and has not made them known in advance of becoming incapacitated.
Nitschke, Philip
First doctor to perform euthanasia under Australia's Northern territory Rights of the Terminally Ill Bill
Northern Territory (Australia) Rights of the Terminally Ill Bill
Nova Scotia Discussion Paper on Living Wills
Nurses' attitudes and practices (H Kuhse and P Singer - Australia) [UP TO TOP]


Oaths - various Oaths of Physicians - Hippoctratic, Geneva etc
Ogden, Russel
Author of a thesis that featured interviews with assistants to suicide (and failed suicides). The ensuing court case clarified Canadian law on confidentiality. The case studies involved men with AIDS and suggest a scenario where a buddy provides the final, loving act of terminating another's life, rather than it always being a doctor (as suggested by the Dutch experience and most right-to-die advocates).
Book review
Award-winning news story
Prime time news interview
Ontario Centre for Religious Tolerance on euthanasia and assisted suicide
Opinion polls
USA State that enacted Measure 16 - a bill to allow assisted suicuide by way of prescribing lethal drugs. The statute, passed by voters' Initiative, was held up indefinitely by court injunction.
Online documentation
For anyone struggling with computer/internet stuff and needing some basic links. [UP TO TOP]


Palliative Care
Care that provides comfort and relief from pain, but does not aim to cure the condition.
Online course from Monash University
Palliative Care Newsletter Index
Further links
"Palliative Care responses to euthanasia requests"
Papal Encyclical: On the Value and Inviolability of Human Life
Suicide "gesture" or "cry for help." A self-mutilating act which may or may not be motivated by a genuine desire to die. It is common in young people who are distressed but not mentally ill.
Passive euthanasia
Euthanasia without active intervention, relying on non- treatment. The term might be useful as a concept but has little practical application.
Patient Self-Determination Act (US Legislation)
Pere Lachaise Cemetery
Persistent Vegetative State (PVS) - a very particular kind of irreversible brain damage. Many notable right-to-die cases (such as Anthony Bland, and Nancy Cruzan) have involved PVS.

It is the cerebral cortex that is permanently out of action, but because the brain stem is intact the patient breathes on his own and can live for many years provided that adequate nursing care and nutrition are provided. The latter is either by nasogastric tube or one inserted into the stomach through the abdominal wall (gastrostomy). These patients have long periods with their eyes open and have a range of reflex movements - but no evidence of a working mind - i.e. no psychologically meaningful responses to the environment. It is believed that such a patient cannot suffer pain or distress, because he is unaware. Although strictly speaking a patient whose eyes are open is not in coma such patients are sometimes described as in permanent coma or permanently unconscious. - Prof. Bryan Jennett, international expert on PVS, in Exit Newsletter Sept '92
Philosophical approaches Elizabeth Telfer on utilitarian & non-utilitarian approaches to voluntary euthanasia.
Press releases
Persistent vegetative state (PVS)
Non-terminal state characterised by irreversible brain damage, and with brain metabolism equivalent to that in deep surgical anaesthesia, yet breathing without mechanical assistance; a sort of living death.
Pharmaceutical index
Political links
Pope John Paul II's letter to all the world's bishops on combatting abortion and euthanasia
term frequently applied to the voluntary euthanasia movement.
Project On Death In America
term frequently applied to the anti-euthanasia (and anti-abortion) movement.
Pro-life Encyclopedia
Prophylactic treatment
Treatment used to prevent a disease developing, rather than attempting to cure.
publications [UP TO TOP]


The website's fast access pages.
Quill, Timothy. Americam hospice doctor in seminal right to die case. See Second Circuit.
Quinlan, Karen
(alternative synopsis & analysis by James Racheels)
Quiz on funeral myths
Quotations (mainstream medical journals etc)


Rachels, James (euthanasia/philosophy)
Re C
Religion: Some links.
Re T
Name of the case from which much English law on living wills derives. It sets forth the conditions in common law under which an advance directive must be followed. Ref: Re T (Adult: Refusal of Treatment) [1992] 4 All ER 649, (1992) 9 BMLR 46 (CA).
Reed, Nicholas
Rights & Duties / The "Right to Die"
Popular utilitarianism and civil liberty movements tend to argue in the language of "rights." This is not the only course that the voluntary euthanasia movement could take however: "duties" based language is less confrontational, may protect people who don't have the means of asserting their rights and, being broad-based rather than individual-centred, may be a more achievable way forward for society as a whole. ""Rights" language tends to get public attention but also tends to polarise the issues; the phrase ""a right to die" is difficult to sustain and often has to be translated as "a right to choose when to die" or a "right to choose how to die."
Rodriguez, Sue
Court case
Roman Catholicism
Declaration on Euthanasia See also: Papal Encyclical, Pope John Paul II
US Bishops speak out on euthanasia [UP TO TOP]


Organisation that will listen and offer moral and non-judgmental support. Tel: 0345-909090 (UK, local rates) or the number in your local telephone directory. Samaritans are non-religious.
Sanpedro, Ramon
further article
Scottish Exit
Former name of the Voluntary Euthanasia Society of Scotland. See: Name of Society.
Scottish Law Commission
Scottish Voluntary Euthanasia Society
Same as the (Exit). The Scottish element of the name is put at the beginning on all public communications etc after repeated confusion with the English-based society who call themselves simply "The Voluntary Euthanasia Society" or "The Voluntary Euthanasia Society (England Wales and Northern Ireland)." Exit is not, in fact, a purely local organisation but has members all over the UK and the rest of the world. It is not a branch of the English society (with whom Exit nevertheless works in close cooperation with on many occasions). Its international membership is, proportionally, probably the largest of any v.e. society in the world.
Second Circuit Court of Appeals (US) historic ruling on assisted suicide (Quill v Vacco)
Seguin, Marilynne
Director of Dying With Dignity - a Canadian v.e. society. A pioneer of a gently, gently approach to solving problems in individual cases of the right to die with dignity, using skills as a negotiator, nurse, a knowledge of the law and of human nature to relieve what seem to be impossible situations.
book review
Prime time news interview Part 1
Prime time news interview Part 2
Senate Special Committee on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide (Canada)
Slippery slope
The slippery-slope argument says that once legalisation were to be obtained, abuse would gradually landslide. In spite of claims to the contrary, there is a lack of hard evidence that this has happened in other countries. Sociologists point out that the term is frequently misused in the euthanasia debate.
Smith, Cheryl
Exit Researcher in Oregon USA. Contributed to Departing Drugs, Beyond Final Exit and the Oregon Measure 16 Bill.
Sociology of Death & Dying - Prof. MC Kearl
Lots of interesting links here
Or see the Sociology links from our hotlist.
Sometimes a Small Victory - research by Sheila McLean
Spanish language documents
The Official Brochure of the World Federation of Right to Die Societies has a Spanish section.
The Spanish v.e. Society also has a website. DMD Spain.
Student enquiries
Our main page for undergraduate and graduate students provides quotations and extensive references from mainstream medical and legal journals. Please bear in mind that our resources, like yours, are very limited. UK students may send a stamped addressed envelope for an information sheet, or 5GBP for a information pack if they provide details of the type of course and objectives. Students of medical law, especially in the UK, are advised to telephone the Exit Office (0131-556-4404). Assistance on basic web browsing techniques can be found on our browser helpfile.
Suicide clause
Clause in some life insurance policies that disqualifies beneficiaries in the event of suicide; it usually only applies to the physically fit who have recently taken out cover.
Suicide - Frequently Asked Questions
Invaluable guide for counsellors
Suicide Prevention - Suicide Information & Education Centre (SIEC)
Supreme Court of USA slams assisted suicide
Symbols - explanation of button bars on Exit Web Pages [UP TO TOP]


Euthanasia ChitChat (UseNet Group)
Tassano, Fabian
Life, Death & Autonomy - Why Death Should Not Be Controlled by the Doctors
Teen Suicide
Tutor, tutor dative.
Formal way of nominating a person to speak on your behalf should you become incapacitated whilst resident in Scotland. The person thus nominated can be granted legal authority by the courts to enforce your health care wishes, up to the limits of the law - this has not been tested in the courts however with regards to refusal of life-sustaining treatment. Exit no longer recommends it as a reliable method of attempting to enforce a "proxy". [UP TO TOP]


Usenet Groups - talk.euthanasia
Discussion group (unmoderated)


Vacco vs Quill Sp.Ct. Ruling
Values history
Similar to a living will, but concentrating on underlying values rather than refusals of specific medical treatments.
Living Will and Values History Project
Viatical settlement
Selling a life policy to use the benefits for your own terminal care.
Example homepage: "Viaticus" - Viatical Settlement Company
Voluntary euthanasia
Euthanasia; the word voluntary emphasises the express intent of the person wanting to die, and distinguishes it from mercy killing or any other form of killing.


Carrying wallet for living will. Supplied as part of the Exit living will pack.
Withholding and Withdrawal of Life-sustaining Treatment
Canadian Senate document
Ethical and Moral Questions
World Federation of Right to Die Societies
Member societies advocate passive or active euthanasia or both.
World Health Organisation
World Medical Association International Code of Medical Ethics 1949 [UP TO TOP]




Copyright © 1995 Chris Docker.

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